shimano spinning reel, stella

<<Notation of Shimano Spinning Reels>>

This content explains the model number designations of Shimano spinning reels, which are difficult to understand.

I am sure many of you already know this, but I hope it is helpful to understand all models of Shimano reel.



when it writes


this means 

"STELLA of #3000 spool with shallow groove, but #2500 body, double handled high gear model"



Below is a detailed description of each character.


1.Body Size  < C / 3000 / S / DH / HG >

The first letter, C, means that  one smaller body is used.

For example, C5000 represents that the spool is #5000 but has #4000 body.

It varies by lineup so that the C3000 has #2500 body and the C2000 has #1000 body.


2.Spool Size  < C / 3000 / S / DH / HG >

The number represents the size of the spool.


3.Spool Groove Depth  < C / 3000 / S / DH / HG >

This letter indicates the depth of the spool groove. 

SSS(special shallow spool), SS(super shallow spool), S(shallow spool), M(medium deep spool), unmarked(normal spool) and deeper in this order.


4.Handle Type  < C / 3000 / S / DH / HG >

DH means double handle.

If nothing is written, it is a single handle.


5.Gear Ratio  < C / 3000 / S / DH / HG >

The last letter indicates the gear ratio.

PG(power gear), unmarked(normal gear), HG, XG and larger in this order.



I hope this page will help you fully understand the meaning of all the lineups.

When comparing similar reels, please refer to the above points and choose the one that better suites your style!!

Fishing reel