Shimano 2013 TALICA 50Ⅱ (Right Handle)

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Sale price$1,037.00


Shimano 2013 talica

Line-up Year Salt or Fresh Weight(g) Gear ratio Retrieve(cm/crank) Max drag (kg) Mono line cap. (lb-m) Braided line cap.(lbーm) Handle Arm(mm) Spool diameter (mm) Spool width (mm) Bearing (Ball/Roller)
20II 2013 Saltwater OK 920 5.2 117 20 For braided line only 100-445, 130-365 83 72 45 6/0
25II 2013 Saltwater OK 950 5.2 117 20 For braided line only 100-625, 130-510 83 80 59 6/0
50II 2013 Saltwater OK 1588 3.8 114 27 For braided line only 100-940, 130-770 88 108 58 6/0



Line-up Year Salt or Fresh Weight(oz) Gear ratio Retrieve(in/crank) Max drag (lb) Mono line cap. (lb-yd) Braided line cap.(lbーyd) Handle Arm(in) Spool diameter (in) Spool width (in) Bearing (Ball/Roller)
20II 2013 Saltwater OK 32.9 5.2 46.1 44.4 For braided line only 100-490, 130-400 3.27 2.83 1.77 8/1
25II 2013 Saltwater OK 33.9 5.2 46.1 44.4 For braided line only 100-690, 130-560 3.27 3.15 2.32 8/1
50II 2013 Saltwater OK 56.7 3.8 44.9 60 For braided line only 100-1030, 130-850 3.46 4.25 2.28 8/1

Key Features of Shimano 2013 TALICA 50Ⅱ


“HAGANE” is more than just a material name; it’s a design philosophy centered around creating reels that offer unmatched longevity and smoothness. The term "HAGANE" itself, which means "steel" in Japanese, symbolizes strength and resilience. However, in Shimano's context, it transcends traditional interpretations, representing a suite of advanced technologies aimed at enhancing performance and durability. In other words, when they say "HAGANE", they do not actually mean that HAGANE(= steel) is used. “HAGANE” promises robustness that can be used with peace of mind even in the harshest of conditions, an unchanging, exquisite winding feel, and winding power that exceeds the imagination."HAGANE Gear" or "HAGANE Body" is Shimano's engineering concept and philosophy.


The S COMPACT BODY design reduces the diameter of the reel on the palming side compared to the handle side, creating a more comfortable grip that feels as if the reel is one size smaller. This enhances palming comfort and control.


A-RB bearings feature a special anti-corrosion treatment that significantly improves their rust resistance. The SA-RB takes this further by sealing the sides with anti-corrosion materials, greatly reducing salt crystallization and salt damage inside the bearing.

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