Shimano 2018 Barchetta SC 800 RIGHT

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Prix réduit$177.00


Shimano 2018 barchetta sc

Line-up Year Salt or Fresh Weight(g) Gear ratio Retrieve(cm/crank) Max drag (kg) Mono line cap. (lb-m) Braided line cap.(lbーm) Handle Arm(mm) Spool diameter (mm) Spool width (mm) Bearing (Ball/Roller)
800 RIGHT 2018 Saltwater OK 390 5.1 67 5 12-360, 16-250, 20-200 55-250, 60-200, 80-150 60/79 42 33 3/1
1000 RIGHT 2018 Saltwater OK 380 5.1 67 5 16-330, 20-260, 22-210 55-300, 60-250, 80-200, 90-150 60/79 42 33 3/1
2000 RIGHT 2018 Saltwater OK 395 5.1 67 5.5 20-300, 22-250, 25-210 60-300, 80-250, 90-200 60/79 42 38 3/1
3000 RIGHT 2018 Saltwater OK 455 4.6 72 8 22-400, 25-350, 28-290 80-370, 90-300, 100-200 60/79 50 43 3/1



Line-up Year Salt or Fresh Weight(oz) Gear ratio Retrieve(in/crank) Max drag (lb) Mono line cap. (lb-yd) Braided line cap.(lbーyd) Handle Arm(in) Spool diameter (in) Spool width (in) Bearing (Ball/Roller)
800 RIGHT 2018 Saltwater OK 13.9 5.1 26.4 11.1 12-400, 16-275, 20-220 55-275, 60-220, 80-165 2.36/3.11 1.65 1.3 3/1
1000 RIGHT 2018 Saltwater OK 13.6 5.1 26.4 11.1 16-365, 20-290, 22-230 55-330, 60-275, 80-220, 90-165 2.36/3.11 1.65 1.3 3/1
2000 RIGHT 2018 Saltwater OK 14.1 5.1 26.4 12.2 20-330, 22-275, 25-230 60-330, 80-275, 90-220 2.36/3.11 1.65 1.5 3/1
3000 RIGHT 2018 Saltwater OK 16.3 4.6 28.3 17.8 22-440, 25-385, 28-320 80-410, 90-330, 100-220 2.36/3.11 1.97 1.69 3/1

Key Features of Shimano 2018 Barchetta SC 800 RIGHT


A-RB bearings feature a special anti-corrosion treatment that significantly improves their rust resistance.

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